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Component Services
Carson’s FAA-approved Component Shop specializes in the repair and complete overhaul of components on the Sikorsky S61 Helicopter. Some of these components include:
Main Rotor Head Assembly
Main Gear Box
Tail Gear Box
Main Wheel Assembly
Master Brake Cylinders
Tail Rotor Drive Shafts
Nose Wheel Shock Struts,
Parking Brake Valves
Primary Servocylinders
Rotor Brake Master Cylinders
Rotor Brake Assembly
Slave Master Valves
Tail Gear Shock Strut, Tail Wheel Assembly, UP-lock Cylinder, Wheel Brake Assembly, Accumulator, Battery Vibration Absorber, Cargo Hooks, Centering Cylinder, Hydraulic Pumps and Main Gear Shock Struts.
Our overhaul services include teardown, visual and manual inspection, repair, nondestructive testing and final assembly.
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